I spent this past weekend at a 12th Night celebration, which was very, very nice, but continuing holiday activities has only further confused my already out of whack time sensors. My brain is telling me Christmas is right around the corner, but my calendar is telling me it's time to plan for the February SCIENCE FAIR!!!!!
Grizzled and I usually have plenty of ideas for the Science Fair... my daughter usually has ideas for the Science Fair... this year though we seem to be drawing a blank. It doesn't help that the SF has now turned into a car show of sorts where kids expect to come away with goody bags and lots of freebies. I applaud the person who can make a science experiment that is not only educational, but entertaining, but at some point, the exhibits became about what they were handing out and last year what they were handing out had nothing to do with the PROJECT!!! I'll be darned if I'm going to make canapes for my child's booth. I will also not advertise her booth, I will not decorate her booth.
What I will do though is ask for suggestions because my brain is not cooperating. This is elementary school so nothing dangerous... nothing messy, nothing fun. :( I'd be tossing endless rolls of Mentos in Diet Coke bottles if we could do that! Never has nucleation been so FUN!
I'd just like my kid to learn, but it wouldn't hurt if the activity was a show-stopper... a crowd-drawer... you get the idea. And remember... The Bernoulli Levitator is SO last year!!!
Okay, send in those suggestions!!!
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