I, Cookie Queen of 2006, had an unusual job fall into my lap a week or two ago. I was minding my own business, was thinking of spring and the summer that will follow, when I was tracked down via email and approached with a job.
While I was busy living, the internets were networking for me. Someone out there needed holiday cookies and landed on my site. I'm not surprised, I am the reigning Cookie Queen after all... They needed winter holiday cookies for a photoshoot and they felt I was their girl.
I emailed images of my cookies (no, not THOSE cookies!) which were then emailed to the ultimate client. Hmmmm. Apparently my signature cookies would not do... they were too *classy*! All I could think of was Bill O'Reilly with his candy cane... oh yeah, pure class! It seems they wanted something more homespun, but still professional. I put on my best homespun yet professional hat and cranked out about 6 dozen holiday cookies. Yes, while daffodils were popping and birds were chirping, I was neck-deep in the feelings of Christmas. I was sitting in my kitchen making lovely Christmas trees and snowmen doing my best to ignore the signs of spring outside.
For now, that is all that I can divulge. I've been sworn to secrecy. Perhaps as that wintry holiday time approaches again, I will be able to share with you how these cookies were used, but for now, I can only say that the internets work in mysterious ways. I am grateful for any work, but I love the work that comes out of the blue. I love those jobs you don't hunt for, but that hunt for you. Call it kismet, synchronicity, or serendipity. It's those moments that truly make life fun, an adventure if you will. We all think we know what's going to happen, we all think we know what's around the corner, we all think that we are at the helm of our ship, but every once in awhile, life hands us a nice serendipitous surprise. And for those moments, I am always truly grateful.
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