YL and I were off on errands yesterday after dropping off EL. She had completed her dance photo shoot for the upcoming recital, and EL is old enough to leave alone for hers, so YL and I were off like a prom dress. While leaving, a fellow chorus mate of YL's spied her in all of her recital finery... YL told me to make haste!!! MOVE!!! I asked her why? She explained in the car, although the chorus pal somehow signaled that she would keep this aspect of YL on the down low, YL said she did not want the dance recital fact that she occasionally wore flamboyant clothes with a hint of make-up to harsh her tomboy cred. I said people are complex... never, ever assume that what you see is all that you get... and heaven forbid it is, because it would be boring.
One of the things we were out to do while running errands was to buy YL "boy shorts". Apparently I had failed in trying to fulfill her request. I know she does not like uber-frilly stuff. Oh heck, she rarely likes frilly stuff (except for the one year when the recital called for sparkly, stretchy zebra pants... she was all over that. I told her there was a very, very small window when anyone could rock the stretchy zebra pants so now would be the time) and even though I had purchased what I viewed as tame, even gender-neutral shorts, they were not what she was expecting. What she should have said was that she wanted sports shorts. Anyhow, off we went.
On the ride home, I told her we'd have to buy her a new dress soon as she had a Daddy/Daughter function coming up and I knew she had grown enough that nothing she had would fit since she wears dresses and skirts so rarely. I then said maybe we should get a few more skirts so she could wear them if the urge hit... this was said more so to elicit a reaction than to actually suggest she needed to wear more skirts.
It did get a reaction, to which I asked if she'd wear more skirts if she found out boys liked her in them. Her response???
"Mom, if a boy doesn't like me for who I am, he's not the right boy and he can just keep on walking. Any boy who likes me will know I prefer shorts over skirts."
I sat there and soaked it in and then said, "Never forget that, OK?? And not only for boys, but for anyone... anyone who expects you to change from what you are in order for them to feel OK about who they are."
She replied, "Why would anyone do that?? Change who they really are just so someone else will be happy?? Wouldn't it just be easier to find someone who liked you for you?"
Oh yes, out of the mouths of babes...
And as I had told her earlier in the day... "People are complex... and some people will expect you to act as they wish, even if it's not who you are, and they probably won't even realize why and that it has nothing to do with you. If and when that comes up, you think of this shorts conversation, and you know it's still OK to wear the shorts, OK??"
I don't think I'll have to worry about her.
I'm more interested in flowers you hate.
Fess up!
I had to think about it. It would certainly be a shorter list than those I love... and I know there are certain flowers that are not my faves, but hate... hate's a strong word. I tried to think of flowers that caused a bad visceral reaction... while I'm impatient with impatiens, I don't hate them, I just wish they weren't so overused.
I then thought of hollyhocks, but I actually like them, it's their scent I hate. It smells like sickly sweet urine at times... I had often heard that they were used around outhouses. I thought perhaps this was so you could blame the stank on the fleurs, but why not go with something that might actually be pleasant to smell?? I then found out it had nothing to do with the sensory aspect of the outhouse, but was rather so delicate women would not have to ask something as shocking as "Where's the outhouse, I have to pee!?!?" Instead they could ask where the hollyhocks were. Mmm-hmmm...
Then I thought, there are some flowers I'd love, but the colors turn me off. While they can be pretty, I often think an old English garden needs a big blast of some color other than pastel pink, purple and blue... but big, bold colors need enough sun, which the English seem to be lacking, so I'll cut them some slack. I love pastel pink, purple and blue, but not if that's all there is. Give me a little contrasting yellow in there! Give me some complimentary colors! I love to plant pots with complimentary colors. I love, love, love yellowy greens with garnet reds. I love yellows with purple. If only there were a true blue color to go with some of the fabulous oranges. I also have one crazy bright blue pot that I fill with what I call Smartie colors...
I also confess to sometimes planting scary pots... I went through a big caladium, scary vine stage the past couple of years. Add some equally spooky coleus and I'm there. All I needed was some ancient horned toad poking out of them!!!
But back to flowers I might hate... I also prefer single to doubles... plain to fancy. Don't trick out the flower to the point that it looks like a pom pom! Give me that subtle and beautiful row of gentle petals... Don't fringe the end of the tulip! Don't make my zinnia look like a dahlia! If I want a dahlia, I'll plant one! A dahlia is great as a dahlia, but not if it's really a zinnia. It's ok to make the zinnia look like a Brach's peppermint disc though... that's kind of fun. :) Tricking out with colors is ok.
So there's your answer... kind of... I'm sure I'll be watching this summer though, watching for the flower that makes me growl and hiss... that makes me wonder why on earth anyone would choose it!! But most of all, I'll be looking at the fleurs with nothing but luv...
Any other questions?