Taking a page from the Snag Handbook of Parenting, I decided to embarass my Eldest Lamblet in front of a friend while driving them to dance... as usual, the topic was veering towards boys... who was cute, who was not. Who was smart, who was not. I chimed in on a couple of the boys who were mentioned to which EL replied...
"Mom! EEEEEW!!! You can't say that!"
"Why not??" I asked. "I'm not dead. I have eyes... I can see what someone looks like and share my opinion. I can appreciate a quit wit and a sharp mind!"
She didn't think so. Her friend giggled. Her friend having told her before that she enjoys the frankness of our conversations, whether serious or not.
At some point during the drive, the topic turned to a teacher that another mother thought was *hot*. I spoke up here and said hot would not be my adjective of choice, but I would say *handsome*. So and so was definitely a handsome man, to which EL's friend replied, "But he's MARRIED! You can't comment on a married person! And... YOU'RE MARRIED!"
EL slid down even further in her seat... obviously knowing I was not going to stop talking. I informed the dear friend that just because you're married doesn't mean you stop appreciating people and whatever charms they might have... and this man was handsome and nice, married or not. I also mentioned that I wanted nothing to do with this man, even if I we were both single. He was 27 and I'm not Sean Penn or Michael Douglas, I've always prefered the company of an older person, but... I could appreciate his looks. He was handsome. End of story.
And then we arrived at our destination with EL making a dash to get out of the car before I said anything else... she was fast, but I was faster. I informed her friend that appreciation never goes away and thank gawd for sunglasses... watching suntanned college-aged swimming teachers is what makes swimming lessons bearable...
And off they ran, but not before I heard a giggle emanating from EL's friend.
I may be married, happily married, but I'm not dead.
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