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September 04, 2012


in the meantime... discuss!

No discussing "bone-in rectums" allowed

Holy Mixed Message, Batman!

Nice weather we're having...

No discussing "bone-in rectums" allowed

hmpf. Pre-banned.

Like rules have ever stopped either of you!!! Don't let bimler swoop in and take all of the glory... hole! Dear. Lord.

I'm disillusioned.


Those are the GOP convention goers whose planes were delayed.

LOL @ AK. I think...

ZRM- fishbone??? This is a fishbone-free zone. Now you're banned.

I have a speedra link I've been saving...



Oh, sorry ZRM. I thought you were referring to thudnra. I was agreeing with him being ever banned...

How can you agree with zrm when you just banned him???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

As Von would say... "My blog, my rules!" :)

Or... don't confuse me with the facts!

I promise to use this photograph the next time the subject of Jonah Goldberg comes up.

The smaller print on the labels reveals that they are 'inverted'. SO there are people out there with the job description of "Boneless Pork Rectum Inverter".

I saw that... my mind was reeling with responses and then my better self said, "NO!"

I wish I could credit the photo. I lifted it from FB.

How can you agree with zrm when you just banned him?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Because he has never thrown down the spreedra gauntlet.

Who is this Von person?

Oh, sorry ZRM. I thought you were referring to thudnra. I was agreeing with him being ever banned...

I figured you were just effing at me again....

Let us know when you decide whether Pinko is Delicious or Disgusting.


...or imaginary.

That is an AUTOMATIC push at least, presumably disgusting. What does Mandos say? Treyfe.

Perhaps they'd be better if they were encased in a hard candy shell... or, served between two slabs o' shicken (it's how the boy, whom I babysat for long ago, said it. "I want shicken and sheese!") Maybe if it was Gummi Pork Rectum. Rectum???



What does Mandos say?

Isn't the flesh of swine, like, all rectum?

Duh, indeed, Substance! It could be the new turducken! (see what I did there?? Huh? Huh?)

Hi Mandos!

Jennifer, why did you have four cartons of pork rectums delivered to your house?

Are you throwing a party?

It's part of that Hog Butcher to the World dealio... plus, they prevent leakage. I'm going to line my foundation with them.

Gonna need more than four cartons. You DON'T want to stretch your pork rectums that much.

AND!!! No using a nail gun! Do you know how hard it is to find good pork rectum adhesive? Even Grizzled was stumped.

Alrightie... I'm off. It's the start of wrangling season. I think I'm ready.

Do you know how hard it is to find good pork rectum adhesive?

...or even BAD pork rectum adhesive.

But I would use roofing membrane nails, the kind with the big flat washer attached. You can just drive 'em through the big grommet-hole that each rectum has.

Note to self: Jennifer's basement could be the arsehole of the universe.

I was about to agree with AK until I realized... if my basement were the arsehole of the universe, shit would be flowing out and not in...

These are a prime ingredient in hotdogs.

Lips and assholes! :)

Are you throwing a party?
You may need to borrow a trebuchet...

Previous Word-verf was "Shgyti substance". Hmmm.

Er some one started to tell me about men dancing when I just came to this site and I was only interested in inverted rectums.

O the mendancity.


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