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« Cranky Wolf's Afternoon Dance-a-thon: Guilty Pleasure Edition | Main | If this doesn't cure the Monday blahs, there's no help for you »

February 12, 2012


No black glasses on that Cutie Pie.

I know. It was before Cutie Pie became Bad Cranky Pie.

lol, I don't think I ever saw that!

Glue Birl is new here.

BG- I don't think I ever posted it here... and I don't know that it was in YouTube format when Substance put it up. I could be wrong though. I'm forgetting all kinds of things these days.

Cutie Pie's performance in this video is much better than Nicki Minaj's was last night.

*Holding lighter up for Cutie Pie*


I missed Nicki. I watched about 45 minutes last night and then got antsy, for a number of reasons.

I got antsy before turning it on.

I thought the show was pretty good. If only because I fell madly in love with LL Cool J and Dave Grohl.

I also fell in love with Kimberly Perry.

I did enjoy the Bruno Mars number.

I did too!

Holy Cookie Jesus, I do love that.

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