Saturday night's Freudian dreamfest included going to a friend's house for dinner, but she was missing a key ingredient so she suggested we run to her old house and get it. Being the good friend I am, I went along... although I was perplexed, as they had moved years ago. As we walked into her old house, it still had many of their furnishings in it. I started to head to the kitchen, but my friend went upstairs to her bedroom where she pulled HUGE vacuum-sealed packs of gray sausages out of the dresser. I suggested they might not be good anymore. She said they were fine, she'd been using them for years.
One of last night's dreams was about this strange seaweedy viney thing that I more of less followed throughout my day. Every once in a while this vine would have an opalescent pod or two. When I passed them, they'd pop and would hold a wonderful surprise. Sometimes I knew what the surprise was right away, sometimes it didn't hit me until the day was over and I thought back. Sometimes it didn't hit until years later... all I knew was, if I ran into one of these pods, something good would come of it. I remember thinking I wish they had thought of this surprise dispersal system much earlier!!! At least we'd know to be on the lookout and might flash on the wonderment a bit sooner.
I was going to link to a project my sister has been working on, but life got in the way... so better late than never... here is another layer of my sister... also known as Statnerd. As you may recall, she was working on computer programs to control yarn pooling. Yarn pooling being that pesky thing that happens when you use variegated yarn and end up with blobs of color at random and inopportune times. She felt there would be a way to control the color dispersal by controlling the number of stitches, etc. She was correct.
Although a research psychologist by day, she's an obsessed knitter by night... and every other moment when she has a chance. She taught at Sock Summit this summer, and her pooling discoveries have been getting known far and wide. The latest is here. Click on it. CLICK ON IT!!!
ZRM- I know you'll be tempted to NOT click on the links, as you're probably not an obsessed knitter, but you really should... the yarn she used has you written all over it.Make sure you scroll down far enough to feel the luv.
Confession: When I tell people my sister knits, and they respond with an "Oh! How sweet!"... or they sum her up as only having that going... or that somehow that makes her simple, or that somehow she could not possibly knit because she's not that type, I want to slug them... No, I want to say... "You don't understand... this is EXTREME KNITTING!And what do you mean by not that type?? Who wrote the list of what that type contains?? Hmmm??"
I've been thinking a lot about it in the past day or so... first in terms of other people, then in terms of myself. I've got a post or two or three to go with it, but haven't gotten to it yet. We are more than we appear... I think the explosions of blogs over the past few years should show us that. I realize some people actually do keep them as daily diaries, but most often, I think people keep them as a record of that significant part they feel they have to keep inside. You know, the thing that if you let it out, they'll all go, "Who do you think you are?!?" I suspect we're just being ourselves.
I've been misunderstanding this commercial for months now... and the worst thing? When I realized what they were really saying, I told my family...
For months I heard, "And bodies, as solid as prawns!" Yes, prawns.
No, it didn't really make sense to me... everytime I heard it, I thought, hmmmm, I guess prawns are solid... kind of dense... especially if cooked the right way. They're probably really buff for their taxonomic group. I would have chosen a different description, but hey, I'm not writing the commercials, now am I???
Well, the other night, either my ears opened up, or the TV was loud enough, I heard what they were really saying, and it made perfect sense. What didn't make sense was that I confessed...
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