As I was just telling Pinko Punko... Dr. DoD...
I have a bazillion tomatoes and tons of basil so I am trying to use them every way I can. I put tomato, basil, Asiago cheese and a drizzle of olive oil on toast. It was really good, but the aftertaste tasted like liver sausage! The best I can tell, the basil and the Asiago melding together on the back of my tongue are the culprits… I like liver sausage so it wasn’t a bad thing… just very unexpected. I had a veggie sandwich so was surprised when my tongue was telling me I had liver sausage.
Pinko suggested that possibly the oil had gone bad. I don't think that's it. All items tasted fine on their own. I think it was merely the spicyness of the fresh basil, combining with the salty, earthy-umami-ness of the Asiago that combined to remind me of liver sausage spices and meatiness.
Who's willing to try it and tell me if they've experienced the same thing?? Also, as far as the liver sausage goes, I'm talking American liver sausage... the squishy Oscar Mayer kind that is almost more of a spread... not a true braunschweiger.
And no... I was not experimenting with the previous post before I had lunch!
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