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« Vonderbar | Main | Repeat Post Week: Day 2 »

March 01, 2010


Ha -- "Men in Trees" -- I think I saw about two minutes of that show and then it suddenly dawned on me that men weren't "supposed" to watch that show!



So this was what that post was about. I could see the title at work, but typepad ist verboten until I get home.

It's a man-in-tree my dear Watson.

It's not a repeat if I don't remember it.

"I'm afraid you've got a pretty severe forester infestation, ma'am. we're gonna have to spray. "

It's not a repeat if I don't remember it.

Well hell's bells... then I could put up one from last week!

Thundra- I'd be smiling with glee if there were a bounty of manatees outside!

hdb- not to be confused with the element tree...

o I remember last week.

It was the Bestest Week Ever!!

Wasn't it? Isn't this the Really Small Fish Diner? Is it Thursday?

It's just men in trees, handling their wood.

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