In fish's latest post, he admits to occasionally... very rarely... liking pop music.
My music snobbery takes on a vaguely Pitchforkian cobaggishness in that
I am not usually a big fan of pop songs. When I do like them, they
almost always conform to a particular formula that I am powerless to
The two songs he mentions fall roughly a decade apart. I am not that strong, while loving many kinds of music, I know I'm also prone to answering the siren's call of the pop song. For that matter, I'm also prone to answering the siren's call of many baaad things. Sure, I have a fondness for the finer things. I want stellar, transcendent food, music, movies, friendships, etc, etc, etc... but sometimes, baaaad is just as good. Sometimes bad is better than good. I don't question, I just go with it.
At the top of my list of some favorite bads (and just to note, these bads do not preclude their finer counterparts)? Bads that I know are bad and don't care, I'm doing it anyhow!?!
~Bad wedding cake. Something about that shortening/almond flavoring/dense white cake combo can have me crashing a wedding on the wrong side of town.
~ Strawberry flavored items. It's not a replacement for real strawberries, but is its own beast. Along with this... raspberry flavored items. Blue coloring a MUST! I'm talking to you Pinko and Kathleen!!! Note: not all faux fruit flavors are good bad. Watermelon and sour apple are just nasty bad and have no business being in anything.
~ Bad TV. Yes, I spent way too many years of my youth reveling in and dissecting this show.
~ Along with bad TV would have to be... bad movies... those you'll watch again and again and not know why...
~ And of course, I wouldn't be a card-carrying female if I didn't mention the occasional bad boy... No links for those. Those remain in my memory.
~ Bad blogs also have a way of sinking their teeth in... You know you should be doing something productive, but instead you find yourself hanging out with a certain zombie, filling up the comment section with anything that will get you to 100 comments, 200 comm... oh hell, it's all a blur after that...
Ok... those are a few of my good bads... Pony up people. I know you've got them. What are yours? What rasty-ass bad things make your toes curl and make you smile with glee? Hmmm? Don't be shy. Share!
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