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December 01, 2009


If you think you are going to trick us into making similar embarrassing disclosures from a misguided sense of sympathy, you are WRONG.

lol @ hdb!


I'd pay to read that comment. :)

I like the fact she wears sensible shoes.

Yes, those are tres sensible.

I think hdb not only dances like a wild woman, I'm guessing he also dons some of the Lady Gaga apparel which is why he's refraining from sharing.

I think Lady Gaga got some of her costume choices from very old woodcuts.

You too can be Lady Gaga.

I think Lady Gaga got some of her costume choices from very old woodcuts.
She reminds me more of a Cranach Venus, but closer examination is required.

Hmmm, possibly, but look at this... that center character definitely looks like it could have been an influence...

Baldung Grien's>witches* are maybe not the identical pose, but the general aesthetic seems right...

* Sometimes labelled "Party at Mainson d'Etre.

Amazing woodcut. Hardly looks like one.

Just think, Jen, some day the lambs will go off to college and then you can dance all the time!

Yeah... I'll be doing figure 8's in my U-Scoot!

All I can say is that I would recommend that nobody allow herr doktor bimler to perform his "closer inspection", regardless of his appellation of "Doktor"

All I can say is that I would recommend that nobody allow herr doktor bimler to perform his "closer inspection", regardless of his appellation of "Doktor"

I know... we'll all pay by having to view some twisted Renaissance woodcut with flying horses and cannibalistic babies.

I think hdb not only dances like a wild woman
Danes do not "dance" in any meaningful sense. That would involve "rhythm", which we are forbidden to possess, on account of a tradition, or an old charter, or something. The nearest we come is to stage grand-mal convulsions while standing up.

I'm guessing he also dons some of the Lady Gaga apparel
Sometimes the Frau Doktorin borrows my t-shirts so she cannot complain if I reciprocate.


That's not true! I know some Danes and they were fine when it came to busting a move! It seems to be that a lot of scientists have issues with rhythm so maybe it's connected to that somehow...

And here I thought between all of the herrs (also Scandinavian, I know) and the links to German artists there might be more of a Teutonic thing going on there.

maybe it's connected to that somehow...
Perhaps a twin study would settle the question.

Saying yes has now entered the 3Bulls-eye zone, where I can't understand it on a runnign basis anymore.

I believe you will soon need a zombudsman....


I think Lady Gaga may not be coolly ironic anymore.

Twin zombudsmoose.

You rang?

Jennifer, we need to go to Vegas and show people how dancing is done.

I can taste the vodka when I listen to this.

I'm THERE!!! :)

Amazing woodcut. Hardly looks like one.
I do>etchings as well.

Is that a boobook on top??

Also- bimler gives good etching.

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Merry Christmas! I wish you a lot of gifts and luck in the new year.

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