Note for ZRM- There are multiple spelling and punctuation errors in this post, but I am too tired, wired, fried, to correct them. Consider them my little Easter Egg hunt for you. :)
Sir Jen
I've been fighting the viral plague for the past 10 days now... What started out as an funky cold, a cold that had been avoided all winter, has turned into a 7-staged viral extravaganza. Most of the time, I've felt like I just had a bizarre cold, but it's expressing itself in different forms and just when I think it's leaving, I wake up with the newer, mutated version.
Of course life has gone on. It's a crazy busy time of year, and some things can't be ignored, so I'm running any number of "must have" errands that come at the end of the school year, while looking like a rabid raccoon. Off I go to the 4th drugstore to try and score some SweeTarts (not as easy to find anymore) for my eldest lamblet's math carnival. I was only given 12 hours notice...That trip alone had me sweating and shaking. It also had the cashier giving me the stink eye when I carried my 15 rolls of SweeTarts up to the counter. The lady in front of me, who was buying new pantyhose, new underwear and panty liners, got nary a glance, but I get the once, twice, three times over. I even found myself inadvertently pushing up my sleeves to prove I had no track marks... Didn't matter. I'm sure they tracked me via security camera all the way to my car, waiting to see if I cracked open the packets of pure sugar before even opening the car door.
When not forcing myself to deal with daily life, I've been a slug on the couch, with tissues stuck up my nose... maybe that was it! Maybe I forgot to remove a tissue before going to the drugstore. No... I did a mirror check. I looked like hell, but was tissue-free. Anyhow, large portions of the day have been spent watching TV or drugged out and snoozing in front of it.
One of the shows I was catching up on was "Out of the Wild", where a group of people attempt to survive an insane amount of time out in the Alaskan wilderness. I confess, these types of shows intrigue me. I'm always amazed at the people who had no clue what they were getting into. I keep thinking, how could you be interested in it and have no clue?? Surely they knew reeeeeallly rough camping would be involved. Even in relatively humane primitive camping, you know that your day revolves around hiking, setting up your camp, preparing and cleaning up meals, etc and that's tame. This show never once claimed to be tame, hence the title.
I have no desire to tame the Alsakan wilderness. I'd love to see Alaska and don't need to see it from the lap of luxury, but I know myself and know that I don't want to put myself that far into jeopardy.
The shows I would have loved to have been a part of would have been any of the "House" series on PBS or National Geographic's "Worlds Apart" series. I would have given my eye teeth to have participated in either, but unfortunately, both were done at a time when my lamblets were to young to be involved and by the time the youngest was the appropriate age, "Worlds Apart" had ceased to exist and I have not seen any suggestions that a new "House" series is going to be undertaken.
Actually, come to think of it, the youngest lamblet would have been old enough by the time they did "Texas Ranch House", but I missed the early advertising and people had already been chosen... still, I hope, someday, to be able to do one or something similar. I like the thought of being out of your comfort zone and finding a better place within yourself and I would like to think that if I undertook an adventure like those two, that I would remember that it was going to be hard, hard and hard. Again, I am constantly amazed at the people who have either chosen to "go back in time" or to go to a remote culture and who are surprised that things are different, that women don't have the same value, say, or roll to play as today.
"But my husband got to have all the fun and I had to cook!"
What did they expect??
"The ranchhands were told not to listen to me, but only to my husband!"
Again... is this a suprise? You're going back in time... what part of the relatively recent women's movement did you miss? Of course, these statements are also made after the person has professed to be a history buff... I guess they missed the part about women being chattel...
Even the men are suprised by how hard things would be which again leads me to, have you never gone camping and if not, why on earth would you even undertake something like this?? Camping removes more than enough creature comforts to give you a clue that life something more severe would be, uh... more severe... If you read your history, you also read that LOTS OF PEOPLE DIED.
Still, I would have loved to have done either of those shows and would like to think I would not be suprised by the hardships. I know it would gotten ugly at somepoint, at many points, how could it not?? It gets ugly, but then you surrender to the ugliness, have a moment of grace, learn something and move on and hopefully come back a better person.
And yes, I realize I've just rambled a whole post about how tough I am, how aware I am, while still moaning about being sick... life is fully of irony. Yes, I'm still in the midst of viral ugliness, but I think I've surrendered to it and am ready to learn its lessons and move on. When I come back, I hope to be a better person.
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