About two months ago, our beloved kitchen Bullet Trash Can bit the dust after approximately 12+ years of dedicated service. It was time for a new can. I was tempted to get another Bullet, but our place could really use something a little more streamlined. I remembered a can that Nancy Nall had waxed poetic about... she referred to it as the i-Pod of trash cans... I checked it out. I showed Grizzled. We agreed to give the can from Simple Human a try.
It arrived on October 9th with accompanying fanfare. I was amazed at how little space it took up while still having adequate capacity. I loved the lid-action. The fingerprint-proof exterior was also nice, although it was not proving to be dog-snout-print-proof... Still, we were happy.
And then it started to make noises... like it had gas... Not explosive gas, but gas just the same. It wasn't really obnoxious, but you couldn't throw something away without laughing. As the lid closed, it would make this low rumble. Grizzled thought it might be the pistons, and this morning, suggested I send their customer service people an email. I did just that, but I refrained from telling them it sounded like the can was passing gas, instead I told them it kind of... mooed.
This is a portion of what I wrote:
...Our lid "moos" when it closes... not a loud
moo, but a long, sustained moo that doesn't stop until the lid is shut. Do we
have a problem with our pistons??
Well, to their credit, they emailed back less than 5 hours later, said we had an issue with our "air dampers" and would be sending new ones out that we could replace ourselves. Thank goodness Grizzled has that assembly gland in his body, because I would most likely be lost...
I was thrilled with their fast response and their willingness to stand by their product, but don't you think if someone wrote you and told you their garbage can moooed, you might acknowledge that? I don't think I could NOT. I'd probably have to ask what kind of mooing it was and did it come sound more like a Holstein or a Guernsey?? Was ita contented moo from a contented cow or a disgruntled moo???
Oh well, I guess they take their products seriously and for that I should be thankful. Who knows, maybe I'm not the first. Maybe this is a common complaint and the email will end up in their FAQ's... "My garbage can moos. Is this a bad thing??"
For some a problem, for others an opportunity.
Posted by: fish | November 19, 2008 at 12:48 PM
iPod of trash cans? Don't you dare say you download stuff into it.
Still, it's an expensive trash can. I'll stick with using an open window. Or putting stuff in the neighbor's trash bin. Roadside rest stops were once ok but now their cans are always over-full. Damn those inconsiderate people!!
Posted by: Bill Stankus | November 19, 2008 at 01:03 PM
fish beat me to it.
However, it sounds more like the can was flatulent. I'll bet the lid opening and closing was accompanied by a certain smell...
Call PP and his New Zealand Crack Boys!!
Posted by: zombie rotten mcdonald | November 19, 2008 at 02:07 PM
She said "trash can" not "ass can," zombie.
Posted by: Snag | November 19, 2008 at 03:42 PM
I'm just trying to imagine being a trash-can manufacturer.
Posted by: Dan Leo | November 19, 2008 at 04:41 PM
are you sure it's not saying 'møøse'?
Posted by: mdh | November 19, 2008 at 07:04 PM
our beloved kitchen Bullet Trash Can bit the dust
did you run over it?
Posted by: Kathleen in Oakland | November 19, 2008 at 07:23 PM
our beloved kitchen Bullet Trash Can bit the dust
I think Kathleen meant "Did the bottom rust out?"
Posted by: mdh | November 19, 2008 at 08:17 PM
I was going to call Kathleen a shithead, but like to refrain from calling pregnant women names... her comment did make me laugh so hard I thought about peeing in "new can".
And no, we didn't pee in the old one so much that the bottom rusted out! :)
If the can is saying, "Moose!" I'm keeping it as is!
fish- is there ever a link you don't have??
Posted by: Jennifer | November 19, 2008 at 08:49 PM
oooh, the new one. It's beautiful. I have to have it.
Posted by: Scott | November 20, 2008 at 12:06 AM
You had a designated trash can for Kitchen Bullets?
Posted by: zombie rotten mcdonald | November 20, 2008 at 11:28 AM
Scott- you will lahve it!
ZRM- yes
Posted by: Jennifer | November 20, 2008 at 11:41 AM
lot of errant weapons fire around the ol YesKitchen, eh?
Posted by: zombie rotten mcdonald | November 20, 2008 at 12:22 PM
fish- is there ever a link you don't have??
Posted by: fish | November 20, 2008 at 01:05 PM
lot of errant weapons fire around the ol YesKitchen, eh?
We shoot our mouths off all the time... something I'm sure you're not familiar with... or I should say, "Something with which I'm sure you're not familiar."
Posted by: Jennifer | November 20, 2008 at 01:22 PM
I try.
Posted by: Kathleen in Oakland | November 20, 2008 at 04:03 PM
did you run over it?
You know what is completely awesome? That there is the huge library of inside jokes we have on each other, and yet most of us have never met in person.
Also, Jennifer, just because they didn't mention the mooing doesn't mean your e-mail did not get printed and posted in the break room.
Posted by: Brando | November 21, 2008 at 01:19 PM
You know what is completely awesome? That there is the huge library of inside jokes we have on each other, and yet most of us have never met in person.
I know! And I absolutely love that. Except for.....I'm the friend in the group who never gets the jokes. lol.
Posted by: blue girl | November 22, 2008 at 09:17 AM
You know what is completely awesome? That there is the huge library of inside jokes we have on each other, and yet most of us have never met in person.
This is the same thing I was marveling at when people went out to get chocolate skittles just to see how bad they really could be.
Posted by: fish | November 22, 2008 at 10:50 AM