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December 20, 2007


I'd like to make an announcement that will make Pinko Punko very happy.

I can't enter the Bake-off.

I tried. I've been baking. But, I've had one family situation after another this week and have been "on call" for family members AND THEY HAVE TOTALLY SCREWED UP MY SCHEDULE!

I planned to get my stuff shipped today but couldn't. I could ship them tomorrow, but I'm guessing they wouldn't get to AG and Jennifer till next Wed and I baked some of the stuff on Monday and I just don't think it would arrive, um, fresh at all.

So, for all my trash talking -- this is what it comes down to.


Sorry Dear Judges! And I'm sure everyone else is breathing a huge sigh of relief.

AND, it doesn't mean I'm not going to continue trash talking on my blog!

BG- I'm sorry to hear about all of the familial stuff. That's never easy, especially during such a busy time. Get some rest!

We look forward to the continued trash talk. There may be an award for that category this year. AG and I are still working things out. :)

Thanks for letting me use your comment thread for my major announcement.

Trash talk awards are a great idea. And grasshopper had the idea to have like an office gambling pool for the winner. I think that's a great idea, too!

What is Vegas saying about our Bake-off, I wonder?

Maybe grasshopper can chair the blog office pool.

I think we need a special midterm bake-off for Res Publica, Blue Girl, and Grasshopper. It would have to be battle royale style. Trash talking would be 25% of the score.

Trash talk awards? With this crew you're looking at a pretty high level of competition and that's before we knew there was a contest. Let the taunting begin!




....seriously, BG, sorry to hear that we won't be competing head-to-head, even with our totally slacky, broken-ass cookie entry. Next year.

incidentally, Vegas odds are Mandos 10:1; Claire 15:1; Brando 12.5:1 and 7 to 2 that the whole thing devolves into an Internet Argument Shouting Match and the judges just keep the cookies all for themselves without any awards.

the whole thing devolves into an Internet Argument Shouting Match and the judges just keep the cookies all for themselves without any awards.

Sounds like a plan...

What are the odds that Jennifer ends up making an off-color cookie joke that crashes the internets?

Oh Kathleen... if only you knew how often I've bitten my tongue. Wait, can you do that on a blog? How often I've bitten my fingers...

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