4th in the queue of bake-off judgery (out of those still left in the contest... see notes below...) are Brando and TLB!!! So far Team Brando/TLB, now to be known as TBTLB, are the only ones to title their entry. Little did you unsuspecting bakers know, but AG and I were going to award a special, yet to be decided memento, to best entry title. It's looking like TBTLB might have this one wrapped up.
TBTLB came blazing out of the gate with none other than:
Frankly, I was sorry that the wonderful Johnny Depp was sold separately. Knowing the title before these scrumptious morsels arrived, I was hoping he might be delivering them. He wasn't. I then looked in the box... no, not in there either, but there was an adorable red container with an even more adorable reindeer on top. The reindeer might have been even cuter than Johnny.
Inside of the container were two delicious cookies.We'll start with the Peppermint Kisses in honor of Johnny. The peppermint kisses brought back memories of my youth. I recall the few years where this cookie entered my mother's repertoire. It's a very light meringue with the addition of mint chocolate chips. The cookie is very delicate when finished, yet retains just a hint of chewiness. They were wonderful... just what a kiss from Johnny might be like... light and sweet and... oh never mind! They were good and you wanted more, that's all I'm sayin'!
Next were the lovely Gossamer Spice Cookies. First off, I may as well fess up now, but anyone who makes anything resembling a Molasses Crinkle has Grizzled all in a tizzy. Grizzled loves them and these were no exception. These were a crispy cookie full of molasses flavor. The surprise to these cookies was the HEAT! TBTLB put red pepper in them (Brando, remind me of what it exactly was because I can't find the email...). The heartiness of the molasses combined with the heat of the pepper was amazing. I don't know if they came up with this idea on their own, but it was perfect. It took the ol' molasses cookie to a new level... somewhat like a kiss from Johnny after you've known him for awhile. What starts out sweet and delicate suddenly takes a turn to heavy duty and HOT!!!
Both cookies were awesome. They were also good if you ate the Heat Miser cookie first and then cooled your palate with the refreshing minty Snow Miser cookie. Either way, you couldn't go wrong.
And as if the Johnny Depp Kiss Cookie Combo was not enough, they also included reading material!! Brando was kind enough to send a copy of a pilot TV script he wrote for his submission to Bravo's Situation Comedy show a couple years ago. He said nothing came of it, but he thought we'd enjoy it. To anyone listening out there... why people are not jumping to hire this man for his comedic writing is BEYOND ME!!! Get off your asses and take advantage of comedic brain power you most likely do not have!!!
Also included in this wonderful entry was a copy of TLB's first novel. It was even signed! I plan on reading both over the holiday vacation. Thank you very much, TBTLB!
Bake-Off update: It seems the two originators of the Bake-Off have begged off of baking this year! It's not a Beg-Off, people!!! They were supposed to bake! Blue Girl has valid reasons. She's got family stuff pulling her every which way and that comes first. As for Res... oh who the hell knows. He's got some pity-party of a post up. Frankly, I think he was afraid of the big baking guns that have come to town. He'd be right to be afraid. Absolutely no one is slacking through this, even those who say they are, are not.
You haven't SEEN our level of slacking yet.
Posted by: billy pilgrim | December 21, 2007 at 08:51 AM
Res Publica is always afraid of the big gun I bring everywhere.
Posted by: Chuckles | December 21, 2007 at 09:13 AM
This entry was incredibly strong in both baking, bribery, and now I discover titling. My peppermint kisses came pretty crushed, but within each fragment, was a little burst of crispy airy mentholy joy. I have to think that Johnny Depp would approve. I probably could have polished off the entire batch of kisses in one romantic swoop, but I decided it essential to save some for my judging colleague. On the other extreme, the gossamer cookies certainly appeared pretty. They had this pretty pattern printed on them, an aroma of welcomeness, and a pleasing geometric arrangement. Then I took a bite, and those the demon emerged. It's like the beginning of the ATHF movie where everything cute turns violent at once. Brando writes that they have a hint of heat, but that would be like saying that the sun is kinda warm. Mind you, I loved the experience. I find with spiciness, it is the nature of the hot that matters, not the degree of hot, and this was the exact right kind of hot.
As for the reading material, I am so super psyched to read the excellent works of TLB and Brando. Those immediately get pushed to the front of the reading list. Thank goodness that I finished Harry Potter...
Posted by: The Uncanny Canadian | December 21, 2007 at 11:07 AM
UC- thank you for commenting on the design of the Gossamer cookies. It was indeed beautiful.
Our kisses had also been turned into fairy dust, but there were enough fairy shards to taste. :)
AG will be testing and posting this weekend, right? If RoD is totally down again, she can post over here. I'll give her the keys.
Posted by: Jennifer | December 21, 2007 at 11:15 AM
Thanks to the judges for their kind words. In retrospect, the Peppermint Kisses were too delicate to mail, even when packed properly, but I'm glad they held their tatse. I like to think of the combination as foreplay/longtime, which you can interpret in the sexual sense or the Boston (the band) sense.
But no Blue Girl? That is too bad, she is the star of the sketch I hope to write tonight after I get back from shopping. I may just have to proceed as if she is entering.
Posted by: Brando | December 21, 2007 at 11:46 AM
Oh, please proceed as normal. I can't wait to read this one!!!!!!
Posted by: The Uncanny Canadian | December 21, 2007 at 12:16 PM
Congrats TBTLB!! those cookies sound incredible. And nice going on the bribes.
Posted by: Kathleen | December 21, 2007 at 02:57 PM
Here comes the shiv from kathleen- I can tell, she's being super sweet.
Posted by: Pinko Punko | December 21, 2007 at 06:08 PM
Okay, I have written the trailer for the film of the contest. I give you:
No Cookies for Old Men
Posted by: Brando | December 21, 2007 at 09:24 PM
Posted by: ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© | December 08, 2017 at 04:55 PM
Posted by: ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© | December 08, 2017 at 04:55 PM
You're silly, thundra, but wise.
Posted by: Jennifer | January 30, 2018 at 12:23 PM