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« Dog Blogging | Main | Cosmic Boot Camp is Ovah!!! »

August 31, 2007


well, hell, as long as you're at it-
can you repost the picture of your
dog wearing sunglasses?

where can i get me some
sunglasses like that? paging
captain fantastic.....

I'd like to see him wear those glasses the lamblet was wearing when she refused to go into the Snagoose bushes with the sunflowers.

Purty Doggies!

AG- I don't think the sparkley Scooby-Doo glasses would fit his massive, bovine hade.

Thanks bp.

I just dog-blogged at my place too. Go see Happy Dog!

What no Scooby for him?

So mean.

This blog will be reported to PETA for obvious dog abuse.

fish- I've lost my puppies. Can you help me find them?

Perhaps this woman could help. She seems to have, um, an extra one.

Lovely dog. Those eyes, those ears. He's gazing up at you through those glasses trying to decide if you're abusing him and if so why. But then you take off the glasses and the world looks normal again and he sees you are after all his wonderful person and he loves you.

fish... fish, fish...

Idyllopus- he's a very willing pooch. Very loving yet very demanding of having it returned. I'm sure I bummed him out with the specs and yet, he knew... he knew there'd be play time if he went along.

I suspect that's a dog whose life is pretty good, whether he knows it or not.



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