I am one of Lance Mannion's latest victims. I am suppose to divulge 8 interesting or random facts about myself. I am then suppose to pass this puppy on to 8 more unsuspecting people. I was going to give myself time to think about 8 interesting facts, but then realized I had better just put anything up before all people of the blogosphere have been tagged and there are none left!! I suppose this feeling, the need to follow the rules EXACTLY, is one of my random facts.
1) I have some inner-voice, possibly the voice of any of my parochial school teachers, that tells me if I don't follow the rules exactly, some cosmic ax will fall down upon me and say, "Gotcha!!!" This will be followed by a scary, "Mooowaahahhahhaaa!!!" emanating from the clouds.
2) I had a twin (fraternal). My twin ceased to develop and died in utero. My mother and her doctors were not aware there was a twin in the picture until I was born and so was my semi-developed twin. I attribute my feelings of needing to do things alone to the fact that my twin didn't go along for the ride.
3) I hate afternoons. I have never liked them. They are usually filled with tension. The freshness of the morning is gone and the relief and fun of the evening is not yet upon me. I was born at 5:55pm and often wonder if ones least favorite time of day corresponds with the time preceding their birth. There's a lot of tension preceding birth...
4) I hate having my thumbs held. Don't know why... just don't do it.
5) While we're on the topic of digits, I have very dexterous toes. I suppose some of this comes from being asked in high school to spend a week drawing with my feet. I can isolate all toes, can wave with my pinkie toe and can also do the Vulcan greeting with both feet! Woo-hoo! I have not included that on my resume.
6) I flunked out of college on purpose. Looking back, I see how I could have approached things differently, but I don't regret it. I probably learned more from taking the year off and then having to talk my way back in. I lived alone for the first time, met my favorite professor, and did indeed finish.
7) I went through the Second CIty Conservatory Program... pregnant. The conservatory program is a 2 year program of improv. Somewhere during that time, I improvised a pregnancy. I chose to stay in and finish. I did my level 5 shows in my 9th month and only missed my last show due to the fact that I was giving birth to my oldest lamblet.
Apparently no other pregnant women has stayed in the program. They made me sign a waiver saying I would not hold Second City responsible if anything happened to me or my babe. I signed and added that they could not take credit if I gave birth to a comedic genius.
8) I anthropomorphize (can I use that as a verb or is the Cosmic Axe about to fall??) almost everything. If you look at my doodles, there are faces on everything along with names and back stories.
Okay, wasn't that fun! Now it's time to share!!! I tag the following:
Mr. Uncanny Canadian of Three Bulls!
Mr. Snagtacular over at Befouled
Mr. Brando, creator of the Clan Brando Ham, sure to be a Christmas tradition!
Ms. Idyllopus over at "meanwhile back at the ranch".
Ms. Kathleen over at dilettante.
Mr. Chuckles over at Freelance Genius.
He/She/It/Bird... aka plover, also from Three Bulls! One can dream can't one??? Hmmmm?
And last, but certainly not least... I'm just not sure if she'll want to, but I hope she does... Ms. Mary Jane over at Touching the River.
Okay, here are the rules: Eight random or interesting facts about yourself. Send me the link to your post when you're done. Tag 8 more people. Drop a comment on their blog to let them know they've been tagged.
I hope I followed all of the rules!
Correction: I hope *DR* UC will accept my humble apologies for referring to him as a mere Mr. I know he's no mere Mr... just forgot he was also a Dr.
As for AG, alpha llama of RoD- I would have gladly asked AG a million questions, she's always kind enough to answer, but knew she had just answered the questions I had up the other day. I also assumed Snag would tag her since she's such a loyal visitor.
I still can't believe you went through the Conservatory pregnant. That's crazier than a sketch that doesn't involve two people at a restaurant!
I am glad to be tagged as I was having trouble coming up with material this week. I always work well on assignment!
Posted by: Brando | June 27, 2007 at 02:53 PM
#5 is flipping awesome.
I totally did #6, too.
Posted by: Chuckles | June 27, 2007 at 03:17 PM
Fine...we will take this exclusion as a direct hit on RoD.
And it's DOCTOR UC!
Posted by: Adorable Girlfriend | June 27, 2007 at 04:38 PM
I don't really care how my name is said, as long as it goes something like this: First name, Doctor. Middle name, Period. Last name, UC.
Posted by: The Uncanny Canadian | June 28, 2007 at 10:10 AM
Doctor. Schmoopies.
Posted by: Adorable Girlfriend | June 28, 2007 at 10:58 AM
Re: #5 Lucky lucky lucky Grizzled.
Jennifer, my meme is up on 3B. I hope you aren't too disappointed.
Posted by: The Uncanny Canadian | June 28, 2007 at 11:04 AM
ok I posted mine. I didn't tag anyone though. I'm that person that doesn't forward the chain letter, so no one gets 50 pairs of underwear.
Posted by: Kathleen (in Oakland) | June 28, 2007 at 11:45 AM
Bossy never DID like getting tagged. Neat facts over here, though.
Posted by: BOSSY | June 28, 2007 at 02:34 PM
Bossy, you're still not safe... there are many people searching for the next 8 victims!
Posted by: Jennifer | June 28, 2007 at 02:35 PM
Victims would be the correct term.
Posted by: Adorable Girlfriend | June 28, 2007 at 11:34 PM